![]() NEWS & UPCOMING [NEWEST APPEAR ON TOP] [2019 | SpringerParker at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art - “Memoria Norway” group show
[2018 | SpringerParker at Sichuan University/Dujiangyan Gov. Sichuan University/Dujiangyan Gov. - “Magic Mountain”
[Aug 2018 | SpringerParker at Gallery Kosmetiksalon Babette Gallery Kosmetiksalon Babette: The 7th Sense (group show)
[JULY 2018 | SpringerParker at Kasseler Kunstverein: LEBENSWEGE] Kasseler Kunstverein: LEBENSWEGE - Rob Scholte Klasse
[JUNE 2018 | SpringerParker at Kasseler Kunstverein] Kasseler Kunstverein: 25 Jahre Kasseler Kunstpreis Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Stiftung [JUNE 2018 | SpringerParker "Float 1- The River" Chengdu/China] Huangjia Grand Courtyard, Dujiangyan: How to cut a long story short, new media experimental art project - Chengdu China [JULY 2017 | SpringerParker AT STÄDTISCHE GALERIE NORDHORN] Städtische Galerie Nordhorn: WOANDERS – Bilder vom Reisen [JAN. 2015 | SpringerParker AT Post Carbone - PARIS] Paris: Post Carbone : 12 artistes face au climat - with: Anti, David Buckland, Olafur Eliasson, Élise Morin, Lucy + Jorge ORTA, SpringerParker, The Polyfloss Factory, Lionel Sabatté, Yann Toma. - Curated by Alice Audouin and Vanessa Vancutsem 6th European Month of Photography Berlin: "Upheavels And Utopias. The Other Europe" [JULY–SEPT. 2014 | SpringerParker AT »OSTRALE'014«] 8th International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts [JULY–OCT. 2014 | SpringerParker AT MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY, BERLIN »Aus-Schnitte« [APRIL 2014 | SpringerParker »KLANGLAND 14 -
NACHHALL«] SpringerParker - ON BROADWAY: Photography / Video [AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2013 | SpringerParker "NY"
at Petra Rietz Salon Gallery Berlin - works of Heinrich
Heidersberger, Hans Könings, SpringerParker] SpringerParker - ON BROADWAY: Photography / Video [AUGUST 2011 | SpringerParker at PREVIEW BERLIN - The Emerging Art Fair] SpringerParker - MEMORIA NORWAY: Photography /
Video / Frottage [AUGUST 2011 | "Selected Works" at Petra Rietz Salon Galerie] SpringerParker - SELECTED WORKS: Photography /
Video [AUGUST 2011 | SpringerParker & Ensemble at HALDERN POP FESTIVAL 2011] We're happy to announce that SpringerParker & Ensemble will be playing this years Haldern Pop Festival opening concerts on August 11 at the St. Georg Church in Haldern, together with "Isbells" and "Moddi". Check out the latest confirmationstrailer from the press conference. [JUNE 2011 | INSOMNIA at the world’s longest TV program at NRK Norway] The journey known as “The World’s Most Beautiful Sea Voyage” was just screened live as the world’s longest TV program (134 hours!) at Norwegian TV (NRK). As the only foreign contribution, our ouverture song "INSOMNIA" (about the time of the midnight sun, which is about now) was played at 09:31when the Hurtigruten ship was approaching Kirkenes, where our opera about the the people and the landscape of North Norway was first shown this February at the Barents Spektakel. We're feeling honored. The song is from our forthcoming CD release THERE ARE PLACES IN OUR HEADS ONE CAN TRAVEL TO. [JUNE 2011 | Interview for Australian T-Squat magazine] We did an interview about our MEMORIA NORWAYproject for the AustralianT-Squat online magazine. [MAY 2011 | New music facebook page] We now have afacebook page dedicated to our music projects. [APRIL/MAY 2011 | St. Johannes-Evangelist-Church BERLIN] During the Gallery Weekend Berlin (April 29 – May
01) we will show our installation [FEB 2011 | CONTEMPORARY DANCE OPERA "THERE ARE PLACES IN OUR HEADS ONE CAN TRAVEL TO" - BARENTS SPEKTAKEL KIRKENES, NORWAY] Based on our Memoria Norway explorations and live
collage we will present our Contemporary
Dance Opera "There Are Places In Our Heads One Can Travel To"
with choregraphed dancers, live musicians and video projections
on February 05, 2011, 17:00 at the
Barents Spektakel, in Kirkenes / Norway A WONDERFUL AND HEALTHY 2011 EVERYONE ! [SEPT/OCT 2010 | PETRA RIETZ SALON GALLERY BERLIN] ERINNERUNGSRAUM 01: Fotografie-Derivate [MAY 2010 |WEBSITE UPDATE - SELECTED WORKS] We updated our selected works section and added
photo series as well as pages for our MEMORIA NORWAY PROJECT
and LIVE
NORWAY live performances in Norway: [FEB 2010 | MEMORIA NORWAY - LIVE PERFORMANCE AT MURMANSK ART MUSEUM] February 17, 2010, 18:30 MEMORIA
NORWAY live performance at Murmansk
Art Museum in Murmansk / Russia [FEB 2010 | MEMORIA NORWAY - LIVE PERFORMANCE AT BARENTS SPEKTAKEL] February 05, 2010, 14:00 MEMORIA
NORWAY live performance at the
Barents Spektakel during the "Visionary Arctic Conference"
in Kirkenes / Norway [FEB 2010 | MEMORIA NORWAY - BARENTS SPEKTAKEL] February 03, 2010, 19:00 Soundscape intro + outro
for the opening concert of the
Barents Spektakel,the "Cutting-Edge Arctic" show in
Kirkenes / Norway [JAN 2010 | MEMORIA NORWAY EXHIBITION / PETRA RIETZ SALON BERLIN] Memoria Norway exhibition at Petra Rietz Salon
Berlin -->www.petrarietz.com [JAN 2010 | MEMORIA NORWAY - LIVE PERFORMANCE AT MARTa/HERFORD] On January 10, 2010, 17:00 we will do the MEMORIA
NORWAY live performance at MARTa
in Herford / Germany during the finnisage of the exhibition
"Pittoresk – Neue Perspektiven auf das Landschaftsbild" A WONDERFUL AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ! [NOV–DEC 2009 | MEMORIA NORWAY - EXPLORATION AUTUMN] We are happy to announce, that the HALDERN
POP FESTIVAL is supporting and sponsoring the next
exploration of the MEMORIA NORWAY project, we do in co-operation
with the Goethe-Institut Norway.Our third exploration into the
Finnmark, "Exploration Autumn" starts at the beginning of
November, shortly after our preview performance at the Haugar
Art Museum. You can learn details about the project and follow
the progress and the route at the website [NOVEMBER, 2009 | PREVIEW PERFORMANCE, HAUGAR ART MUSEUM] On November 4, 2009, 17:00 we will do a preview of
the MEMORIA NORWAY live performance at the Haugar
Art Museum (Haugar - Vestfold Kunstmuseum) at Tønsberg /
Norway. [SEPT–NOV, 2009 | PERMAFROST & FLORAE AT »ANTARCTICA«, HAUGAR ART MUSEUM] Our photo seriesPermafrost
& Floraeis part of the exhibition »AntArctica«
at the Haugar
Art Museum (Haugar - Vestfold Kunstmuseum) at Tønsberg /
Norway. [SEPTEMBER 2009 | MEMORIA NORWAY - EXPLORATION SUMMER] You can follow the progress of our MEMORIA Norway
project that we do in co-operation [FEB/MARCH, 2009 | MEMORIA NORWAY - EXPLORATION WINTER] You can follow the progress of our MEMORIA Norway
project that we do in co-operation [JAN/FEB, 2009 | ON BROADWAY / PETRA RIETZ SALON / SHOWROOM] On Broadway at Petra Rietz Salon/Showroom -->www.petrarietz.com [JANUARY, 2009 | NEW PHOTO SERIES - PERMAFROST / FLORAE] We added our new photo series
"Permafrost" and "Florae" to the works section. [DECEMBER, 2008 | ART AWARD / MAINZER KUNSTPREIS FOR ON BROADWAY] Our photo series ON BROADWAY was awarded with the
Mainzer Kunstpreis 2008. [NOVEMBER, 2008 | FELLESHUS - NORDIC EMBASSIES BERLIN] We will present our new photo series "Permafrost"
and "Florae" at the Nordic Embassies [NOVEMBER, 2008 | PUBLICATION, WURZELN (ROOTS)] Our work GILFRIEND SO PURPLE is presented in the
book "WURZELN"
(Roots), Hrg. Petra Rietz, published by Kerber Verlag (ISBN
978-3-86678-218-1) with a text by Christina Tilmann. [OCTOBER, 2008 | KLANGLAND KUNSTTEMPEL KASSEL] At the Sonic Art Exhibition Klangland @
kunsTTempel Kassel from Oct. 16 – 25, 2008, [AUGUST, 2008 | EXHIBITION AT GENERAL PUBLIC, BERLIN] Our video THE
OUTSIDER'S AWARENESS is part of the Copyright Project exhibition [AUGUST, 2008 | SCREENING AT AARAU/ SWITZERLAND ] Our short video MELATONIAN SNOW
will be screened at the [JULY, 2008 | SHOW @ THE FORGOTTEN BAR PROJECT on AUGUST 17] Under the title "Superposition", curated by
Giannina Lisitano,we will show works [JULY, 2008 | NEW WORKS] We are currently working on a series of large
format photo collages with the working title "State of
Environment". Supported by the Goethe-Institut we will travel to
North Norway in September this year, to put places under
investigation that are severely affected by climate change. The
project website will be published in October. [JULY, 2008 | PHOTOGRAPHY NOW: On Broadway / Title portfolio] PHOTOGRAPHY
NOW, the Journal for Photography and Videoart features our
photo series [JULY, 2008 | NEW WORK: SHE, Photo series] We added our new photo series SHE to our WORKS section. [MAY, 2008 | PROJECTION: On Broadway / New Life Berlin Festival] ON BROADWAY has been selected as an HONORABLE MENTION for the URBAN SPACE 08 projection series, which will be featured as part of The New Life Berlin Festival, taking place from May 31-June 15th. URBAN SPACE 08 will premiere in Berlin on June 4th at 10 pm in the alternative film and music venue "KiM", located at no.10 Brunnenstrasse, Berlin. [APRIL, 2008 | SHOW: On Broadway / ©Projektlabor, Berlin / Germany] Our show ON BROADWAY will be running as the 2nd
part of the Project © No.7 (Presence and Absence) at the ©Projektlabor,
Berlin from April 25 – May 24. [APRIL, 2008 | EXHIBITION: Digital Media 1.0, Valencia / Spain] Our video THE OUTSIDER'S AWARENESSwill be part of the exhibition "Digital Media 1.0" in Valencia /Spain, running from April 17 – May 11 at La Nau. [APRIL, 2008 | UPDATE: NEW LAYOUT / candela2 website goes offline] Well, you may have noticed that we did a re-design of our homepage. Three years ago we dropped our name "candela2" for "SPRINGER PARKER". We kept the candela website online for the time being but it will go offline during the next days. Therefore we added some of our earlier works not represented here before to our WORKS section. [JANUARY, 2008 | NEW WORK: THE OUTSIDERS AWARENESS] You can now watch a 3 min. excerpt of our new video THE OUTSIDER'S AWARENESS in our WORKS section. [DECEMBER, 2007 | NEW WORK: ON BROADWAY] We added our new photo series ON BROADWAY to our WORKS section. |